Odborné a uživatelské postřehy od zákazníků CloudPoco:
We're dedicated to providing you with the best of web hosting services, with a focus on dependability. customer service, the speed with 99.99% uptime guarantee.
We hope you enjoy our products as much as we enjoy offering them to you.
Finally, I’ve found a good and reliable home for all my WordPress blogs! Yeah, it might be the cheapest company but after all, as long as your site and email are up, you stand the chance of getting additional sales which will more than make up for the additional cost.
Shameful for repetitive positive reviews to cover trusted reviews!
I have bought their lifetime hosting about 3 years ago. They recently suspended my account for unreliable reasons. They just don't want to let me use it without further payment. They told me to buy cloud hosting. This is nonsense! When I complained, they told me to open a ticket before they blocked my IP address, and even they deleted my account in their server. How rude and ridiculous response!
HostAdvice.com poskytuje profesionální recenze hostingu nezávislé na jakémkoliv jiném subjektu. Naše recenze jsou objektivní, čestné a uplatňují stejná hodnotící kritéria pro všechny.
Peněžní odměna je přijímána od hodnocených společností. Kompenzace služeb a produktů nemá žádný vliv na směr nebo závěry našich recenzí. Ani neovlivňuje pořadí některých hostitelských společností. Podpořte komunitu vlastníků internetových stránek přidáním vaší objektivní recenze vašeho hostitele stránek.